The number one skin cleansing device
As most of you know (and some do not) I am a licensed Esthetician! I get a lot of girls asking me about their skincare troubles and am always wanting to give them the BEST advice out there to maintain beautiful healthy skin. The first question I usually ask girls is “How do you wash your face?” And I kid you not, 9 times out of 10 they respond with “What do you mean?” So I say, “take me through, step by step, what do you do when you wash your face?” The typical response is usually something along the lines of “I use my hands and water”. It honestly shocks me every time! Just your hands and water?! You wouldn’t brush your teeth with just your finger and water now would you?! So your face should be no different my friends!
The number one skincare tip I can provide you with is to get yourself a great skincare cleansing device! I have been using this tool for as long as I can remember and will never go back to using my hands to manually wash and cleans my face! I am currently loving this cleansing tool from @Caraprudhomme
It is ranked number one Globally (Meaning it beats out Clarisonic!). It is so beneficial because it goes beyond just cleansing skin! It doesn’t strip skin but actually works to maintain the skin’s natural moisture balance as it cleanses. It’s great for gently exfoliating dead skin and aiding in skin cell turnover (which as we age slows down over time). The result is softer, smoother, healthier looking skin! And that’s JUST from using the tool! Cara is also graciously offering cleanser as well! The right cleanser is so important to add to your routine! You have to be aware of your skin type so that you know you are using the correct one! There is Oily, sensitive, dry, and acne cleansers to choose from! Get 10% off now!
Also, be sure and DM Cara if you need a specific cleanser not listed! She will also be sending you a FREE gift valued at $20 USD.
Feel free to comment below with any skincare questions!